Thursday, March 08, 2007

A New Purpose

I used to write this blog because I wanted to make sure that all the facts about Sukyo Mahikari that had remained buried were exposed, but now that I feel I have done that I want this blog to stand for something more. I want it to focus on healing and on the love of God that is for everyone if they just accept it. When I die and I meet my maker and He asks me what I did to undo the wrong I did while in Sukyo Mahikari I want Him to say “Well done, good and faithful one.” I want Him to know that I pointed to Him enough to make a mark on things…because if I do nothing, if I remain neutral and keep what I know to myself…well, let me tell you a story…

A fire broke out in a five story apartment complex in New York City. The fire department was called and the first to respond to the scene was a fireman named Michael Robertson. Michael had just purchased a new C.D. player as a gift for the Fire Chief and was in the fire engine tinkering with the device as the fire devoured the rooftop of the apartment building. He sat in his car for 10 minutes before taking action to extinguish the flames. On lookers watched in horror as a woman jumped from her fifth story apartment, covered in flames, clutching her baby to her chest as she hit the ground. In the end a family of six were burnt alive. During the trial the fireman seemed unaffected by what had happened and before his sentencing he asked that the judge take into consideration that the gift for the Fire Chief was very expensive and state-of-the-art. What do you think his sentence should be? 10, 20, 30 years? Life in prison? Death? Take a moment to ponder this before you read on.

Now, what did you give him? Well, every time we have opportunities to tell people about God and Christ, but don’t, we’re no better than that fireman. We’re allowing our friends, family, and acquaintances to be burnt alive because we don’t care enough to take action; to take the time to have a heart to heart with them. I do not plan on being that fireman. If I start to preach a little bit, please forgive me, I don’t want to be the one to push you out of reach, but I just love everyone so much that I am going to be a fool for God. I just ask that you receive what I have to say with an open heart. I know some of you have been hurt, I know some of you have your own pre-conceived ideas about God, but when we hear the truth we know it…deep down even though we often try to stifle it. Deep down we all knew that something about Mahikari was not right and we chose to ignore it because it fit into the kind of life we wanted to lead. That’s the thing with a lot of people…they chose the religion that is going to allow them to continue living the same lifestyle they’ve always lived and Sukyo Mahikari is a catch 22 because not only can you live the same life, well besides having to come to dojo to offer okiyome, but you can also erase your sins based on how much time you spend at the center. It’s 100% saved by your efforts and not God’s grace. Rescue yourself.

For those of you who have been commenting on my blog and sending me emails I ask you to not be afraid of this subject matter. If you have an opinion, be it good or bad I say speak it out. I won’t get upset. If you feel like religion is something private that shouldn’t be discussed on a blog then that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, but let me know. If something I say touches you in some way, let me know. I am still going to center this on SM, but from now on I am going to take the kind of approach that God wants me to take. If that’s too much for you and you no longer want to read, I’m sorry, actually no I’m not, because even if I offend some people I know I’ve made them stop and think and I know the love of God is eventually going to get to them, if not through me then through someone else God puts in their path.


At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Darcy

Thank you for having the Courage to speak your Truth.

I am Love, You are Love, We are Love.


At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! That makes me feel better. I know that a lot of people who write about Sukyo Mahikari try and keep their beliefs out of it because they want to be unbiased and leave the reader to draw their own conclusions, but I am bias. I serve a crazy awesome, wonderful God who can help these people with the after effects of SM and I am going to sing His praises.

At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To discover what makes your heart sing is a very liberating experience. I share with you and readers the following..

It’s Okay To Shine
By Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that
we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that frightens us most.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually who are you not to be?
We are a child of God. Our playing
small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won’t feel insecure around us.
We are all meant to shine,
as children do .
We are born to make manifest the
glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us.
It’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.

Quoted from her book A Return to Love.

At 3:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People find God by themselves, not by what anybody says. Seek and you shall find.
Seek in your heart and you shall find the truth.
A religion that teaches virtues is good.
You are not a believer? Does that make you right? Are you GOD to know the absolute truth. So you read the bible and the mahikari books and you choose which you feel like you want to follow and you make your decision? No divine intervention?
So there were a bunch of people like you, in the time of Jesus, THOUGHT they were right and so smart like you, who crucified Jesus...
Unless you have some divine intervention, your thoughts are only 2 cents worth.
Go read some buddhist teachings, Buddha helps lost souls like you to put their life in focus.

At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Darcy,

Thank you for your courage! SM captures people who are vulnerable and in need of answers as to why their life isn't going the way it is. People who are desperate to know why and do anything about it are susceptible to SM, because SM puts a sense of control in one's hands. It is because of YOUR karma your life isn't going the way it is, YOUR impurities, and to change it you need to do meritorious deeds (though not be overeager), offer service, save others, etc etc. It REINFORCES controlling behavior though and this is NOT healthy. Life has downs and this is okay to embrace. Mahikari claims that anxiety, stress, sadness, natural disasters, loss are "cleansings" or "spiritual disturbances" which are overly simplistic excuses to WHY we experience life's problems. SM claims that when we have these problems, we need to exchange light, offer service, etc. This turns into process addiction--it is NO different than drinking, using drugs, or gambling when sad or stressed. When I was feeling lonely, depressed, poor, life wasn't going well... I devoured Mahikari teachings because they mirrored my own shame and self-blame, gave me a temporary way to avoid my sad feelings through the process of light exchange, though subtly created an enormous amount of stress in my life because if it were up to SM I would be in the dojo everyday. On an intuitive level there were so many other things I had to do to ensure my own happiness but did not out of guilt that I had to be in the dojo, that I couldn't handle the light because of my impurities. Practicing SM has negatively impacted my performance at work, alienated me from my real friends and family, did not give me the real reasons why my life wasn't going well at work (was due to breakdowns in communication which SM does not teach, NOT spirits), teaches that things happen to others because of cleansings and karma (that is kind of sociopathic to say to others). I look at my life and after many years of practicing SM and can say that SM gave me another way to look at life's problems, the members mean well, but I was too vulnerable to protect myself and got swept away doing things when my Spirit was begging me to go have fun and love myself instead of being in the dojo, feeling a temporary sense of relief with others who also have the same process addiction. Were anyone to tell me I had a problem a couple months ago when I was full-on with SM, I would've thought they were the one with a spiritual disturbance and that they needed light. I tell my story so that people may seek other avenues to healing, love and GOD; to be careful of not developing a process addiction.

Thank you again!

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Kit Barrazona said...

John 16:7 "But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer;

12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. " ---

very well written. Someone is still coming as Jesus said so. I have read this before and prayed to guide me to the Advocate/Counsellor as I want to know all the truth. In a few years was invited by new friends. Was told to close eyes and after a prayer, there was light beaming on my forehead and assumed it comes from a light bulb on the ceiling... I do not believe the new teachings, but somehow I also opted to be a member. and just the next day after, read their "Holy Words" Book by the Sukyo Mahikari founder Kotama Okada. The first words I read was " The Spirit of Truth shall enter Thee. You shall speak what you hear", tears swelled in my eyes. This exactly was what Jesus said , and I knew my prayer was answered. . I was guided to the Advocate/counsellor. So many miracles been granted now. Then lately I read in the Bible, Revelation 7:3 "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.".
Hope those who can read this to pray that you may be guided for you to be saved.

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At 8:05 PM, Blogger Leif said...

Thank you for the post


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